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Essence of Eidul Fitr

Essence of Eidul Fitr

Gratefulness to God is always rewarded. Eidul Fitr is a reward to the Muslim ummah for striving to temper their souls through the rigours of self-denial and offering of special prayers during the holy month of Ramazan in humble thankfulness and sincere gratitude for the countless mercies, blessings and favours of our Creator which we enjoy in our mundane life.

In His infinite kindness and mercy He loves His subjects more than parents love their offsprings. It is only proper, therefore, that man as Allah's vicegerent on earth bases the lofty mission of his life on the worship and thankfulness to God for His endless bounties, grace and favours bestowed on him right from his cradle to the grave.

According to the Holy Quran Allah says, "I have created only jinn and man, that they may serve and worship Me." (Quran, 51:56). Beyond feasting and festivities, Eidul Fitr is also an ibadah (worship). Ibadah is the most vital duty of man towards his Maker and includes all actions which are performed in obedience to and for the pleasure of Allah. The concept of ibadah (worship) in Islam is all too comprehensive and encompasses the whole spectrum of human conduct covering both fulfilling obligations to Allah (Huquq-al-Ibad) and obligations towards fellow-beings (Huquq-al'Ibad). Fulfillment of both Huquq Allah and Huquq-al-'Ibad must be integrated to attain success as true adherents of Allah.

Everything in the world is for man but man himself is for his Lord and his mission in life is to fulfill the will of God. For his guidance, Allah raised many Messengers from amongst the descendants of Adam with Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) embodying the finality of prophethood and Islam marking the perfection of Divine commandments.

All good deeds are included in ibadah and consistent observance of ibadah creates taqwa (Godliness) which consists of complete submission to the will of God. The Prophets of God succeeded in making people observe their duty to God and to their fellow beings through the force of taqwa.

Taqwa is the vital driving force in developing the inner strength of man. The Prophets of God tried to nourish and nurture the quality of taqwa among human beings through various forms of ibadah and through emphasis on their social obligations.

Through acts of devotion one fulfils obligations to Allah and through good deeds to men one fulfils his obligations towards his fellow beings.

"It is taqwa that reaches Him" (Qur'an 22:37). As a practical and practicable religion Islam has provided a complete code of life for Muslims and all those who care to follow the teachings of Islam through Divine guidance in the shape of Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). Herein lies the well-being of man both in this temporal and eternal life.


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